

Read the material for this week and elaborate:
- What's the role of photo journalism?
Photojournalism is a visual language. When journalists discuss photographs using visual terms, the conversation goes beyond subjective likes and dislikes to address the actual value of the image.
Sometimes, people trust what they saw more that what they heard.

- Are there rules that photojournalists should follow? Why? Why not?
A journalist, on the other hand, cannot be held to the demands of the photographic subject, but rather he or she must be concerned with producing accurate news for the public.
I think there are not explicit rules to follow. For those good photojournalists, they may consciously obey by those rules and ethics in their mind. 

- Is the ethics of taking journalistic photos different than the ethics of writing a news story?
It's different. Taking journalistic photos and writing a news story which offer the reader different feelings. When photographers are on assignment. They decide the moment to record, what to include, and what to take out. And, of course, if the photos of people, I'll ask for permission before I used. Because of the right of the portrait.

- What's the impact of altering press photographs? Should they be edited (at all) in postproduction?
Some of the altering is less innocuous. But not all of  them should be edited. When photographs are used in news, they become a language to tell people the truth. The real truth, can't be edited at all.

